Business Growth Specialist and Facebook Advertising Expert, Ben Simkin, continuously shares his knowledge that helped him generate over $1.45 Billion in sales. Simkin's '6 Ways To Blow Up Your Business With Facebook Ads' first appeared in Forbes.com, and was more recently shared by Emma Melhuish who works closely with the Facebook Marketer, where she responded to each of the six steps.
Business Growth Specialist and Facebook Advertising Expert, Ben Simkin, continuously shares his knowledge that helped him generate over $1.45 Billion in sales. Simkin’s ‘6 Ways To Blow Up Your Business With Facebook Ads’ first appeared in Forbes.com, and was more recently shared by Emma Melhuish who works closely with the Facebook Marketer, where she responded to each of the six steps.
- Have a Strategy: “Strategy is everything with Facebook Advertising” as Melhuish agrees. To further solidify this point, Emma states, “A brilliant strategy with terrible advertising will always outperform a non-existent strategy with great advertising”.
- Use a Formula: Ben Simkin first described, “When we spend $500,000 on Facebook Ads in a 6-8 week campaign, we need to come out the other end with significant profit”. He uses his Target-Offer-Message formula to ensure his targeted is accurate to ensure he gets the absolute best result.
- Make Sure You Focus On Targeting: Emma describes that Ben “doesn’t leave a single stone unturned and neither should you." - “ If you’re just jumping in and building your campaign with no second thought for your targeting, then you’re missing out – research is everything!” states Emma.
- Tailor Your Ads to Fit Your Target Market: Ms Melhuish shares, “You want to niche your audience down to match your ideal customers – stick interests, behaviours or education. You want to niche the audience down to ideally 5,000 to 15,000 people.” As Ben suggested in Forbes; “While it doesn’t sound as exciting as reaching 186,000,000 people, you are now targeting the right people who are most likely to buy or take action on your offer”.
- Write Great Copy: Overlooking your copy is something that shouldn’t be forgotten or underestimated. Emma states, “Your adverts headline is essential, it will get “scrollers” attention and in a mill-second, they’ll decide whether to read your advert or ignore it”.
- Don’t Forget About Split-Testing: The Forbes article states, “If you launch your ad and think the work is over – then you’re mistaken”. As Emma advocates, Ben makes a great point, “he recommends not pulling the plug on an ad too soon if you don’t see immediate results. He believes the goal is to not give up too early when split testing, and to give it time”.
Emma closes by stating, “this to be a highly informative article from one of the best in the world”.
To learn more about Ben Simkin and his work with Facebook Advertising and growing businesses, visit his company website, www.businessNET.com.au and follow him on his Fan Page, www.facebook.com/benjaminsimkin.